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Hostel management system project for students

img by babul
07 Jan, 2024

We use MongoDB database and Pymongo modules for data management. This application will help hostel owners to make their work more convenient and improve the quality of their services. This application helps users to add rooms, book rooms, add or remove employees, etc.


The requirements to follow this article are:

1. Python programming language
2. tkinter module
3. Pymongo module
4. MongoDB database


Hostel administrators can log in using the login details ‘TaazaNetwork’ as username and ‘admin’ as password. You can also change your username and password.

Managers have access to:

View all rooms, add and remove rooms, and reserve rooms.
View, add, and remove all employees.
Review all feedback and add new feedback as needed.
You can change your login information username and password. You can unsubscribe.

Set up your development environment

MongoDB must be installed. For more control over your data using the GUI provided by MongoDB, you must also install MongoDB Compass.
The Pymongo module must be installed. Run “pip install pymongo” at the command prompt. Create three files in the same folder: “main.py”, “gui.py”, and “database.py”. T C: 613518

For me, this was a great project to practice my GUI and database skills. I hope it was the same for you. Don’t hesitate to modify the app as needed and always try to create something fun like this project. tracking code: 515831

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